public administration, public administration in the field of education, development of education, educational changes, mechanisms of state administration, reform, development of society, educational reform, civic education, civil society, state, citizenAbstract
On page 7 of the "Vision of the Future of Education and Science of Ukraine", which was posted on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on July 12, 2023, in the section "We invite you to discuss", it is correctly stated that the development of the National Strategy for the Development of Education is the next step for the implementation of the vision. It is also specified that: "It is necessary to prioritize current problems, summarize goals and develop a specific action plan, which will contain steps to implement changes in schools, universities, other educational institutions and scientific institutions. This plan must be realistic, scalable and results-oriented." Note that the latter has a special value. At the same time, it is appropriate to add that the plans themselves should include such key system elements for each structure of the education system as specific final goals, means of achieving them, including resources and certain pedagogical technologies, as well as evaluative final results that record the levels of achievement of specific strategic goals. This is what will determine the integrity of the justification of the National Strategy... from A to Z. The above-mentioned meaningful tasks in the vision are the basis of the National Strategy for the Development of Education in Ukraine presented below, which is an organic part of the scientific product of the "INTELLECT CLUB OF THE CIVILIZATION DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINE". This product is called: "NEW PEOPLE-CENTERED MANAGEMENT COURSE (NLUK) OF UKRAINE in the context of the civilizational development of the world." In NLUK, a great role is given to peacekeeping education, which is a very important component of the modernized mechanism of state administration in post-war Ukraine.
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