


information security, information security mechanism, national security of the state, system


The article analyzes the theoretical foundations and methodology of studying the information security mechanism, reveals the essential features and peculiarities, the structure of the outlined category. The author formulated the following tasks: to characterize the main doctrinal approaches to the definition of ensuring information security and the mechanism for ensuring information security of the state; formulate their definitions; to investigate the methodological basis of the mechanism for ensuring the information security of the state; identify problems in this area and propose ways to solve them. The methodological toolkit is unique, as a complex of methods and methodological principles, approaches, including activity, system, structural-functional, etc., are used. On the basis of epistemological, dialectical, formallegal, structural-functional methods, methods of modeling and forecasting, the author formulated the appropriate definitions, determined the prospects for improving the mechanism for ensuring the information security of the state. The basics of the formation and functioning of the information security system are summarized. It is substantiated that a clear system of domestic bodies that can take over the task of protecting the information space is necessary for the implementation of these provisions. It is highlighted that formally such a system exists and has four interconnected levels. It is proposed to consider information security as a component of Ukraine’s national security. The author revealed the definition of the concept of «state information security protection system», which is nothing more than a system of interconnected elements that ensure the protection and development of the information space in accordance with national interests. The definition covers the key elements of the information security mechanism: object, subject, threats, directions, measures.


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How to Cite

КОТЛЯРОВ, В. (2024). SYSTEM OF ENSURING INFORMATION SECURITY OF UKRAINE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (2(74), 45-49.