elite, military elite, management elite, mechanisms of public administration, security, national security, public administration, Ukrainization of the military, the Central Council, the army, the process of formation of the armed forcesAbstract
During the Russian-Ukrainian war of 2014-2024, it became clear to us that the presence of a combat-ready army is important for the defense of the country's independence. A similar situation arose at the beginning of the 20th century, when the presence of the armed forces determined the future of the state. During the period of the Central Rada, the Ukrainization of military units of the tsarist army became an important stage in the formation of the national army. This process was carried out with the aim of creating an independent Ukrainian military force capable of defending the young Ukrainian People's Republic (UNR). State structures, in particular the General Military Secretariat and other military bodies of the Central Rada, began to reform Russian military units into Ukrainian units. Important aspects of this process were national-patriotic education, changing the team composition to Ukrainian, the use of the Ukrainian language and symbols. Despite the difficulties and resistance from some military and political forces, the Ukrainization of the army contributed to strengthening national consciousness and laying the foundations for the creation of regular armed forces of independent Ukraine. However, this process took time and was not purposeful. The purpose of the publication is to analyze the process of organizing the Ukrainization of military units of the tsarist army by the state bodies of the Central Council during the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921. Scientific novelty. The factors that prevented the Ukrainian People's Republic from forming a regular combat-ready army are analyzed. The process of modeling the management of the military sphere is projected for the present.
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