


“hotline”, appeals, public authorities, functioning, specialists of “hotlines”, improvement


The article analyzes the main aspects of the functioning of telephone hotlines of public authorities in Ukraine. Emphasis is placed on the identified shortcomings in the investigated field. The basic information on the functioning of “hot lines” of executive authorities is considered. The necessity of covering information on the functioning of hotlines and their contacts on the official websites of some state bodies is raised.

In the course of the study, particular attention was paid to the existence of discrepancies between the names of hotlines and their telephone numbers.

They came to the conclusion that information about the presence of the hotline or link to it on the home pages of official bodies of the executive bodies was required.

Attention was drawn to the significant limitation of the possibility of direct access to the hotlines of most central executive bodies due to the lack of possibility of making free calls. 

It was found that in some cases there is a timely update of information on official sites, no clear mode of operation of the line, and a list of several “hotlines”.

A study of telephone conversations with hotline workers found that there was no way to call some executive agencies because the line was constantly busy.

They also drew attention to the presence of an answering machine with a message about the ability to record a conversation in order to improve the quality of calls. Only 10 executive bodies can sway here.

They analyzed the beginning of the conversation and came to the conclusion that most of the specialists of hotlines do not provide either their own name or even their number. But, at the same time, it is worth noting the polite manner of communication and friendly treatment of the citizens by the employees of most lines of the authorities, as well as the correct and tolerant conclusion of the conversation.

They clarified the need to improve the functioning of telephone “hotlines” of public authorities in the following areas: setting up and working out uniform standards of work; introduction of special training courses for employees of these lines; constant control of the quality of service to citizens; updating of software and so on.

In general, let us conclude that the main problem is the lack of clear coordination of the work of such lines by the state.


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How to Cite

Кравцов, М. (2020). MAIN ASPECTS OF FUNCTIONING OF PHONE “HOT LINES” OF STATE AUTHORITIES. Public Management, (3 (23), 142-153.


