public governance, educational institutions, model of public governance, institutions of educationAbstract
This article attempts to analyze the formation of public governance mechanisms in the educational environment. The peculiarities of the normative- legal acts on the mechanisms of management of the development of public governance are characterized, the directions and mechanisms of implementation of public governance are analyzed.
The proposals on the model of public governance in the educational institutions to the subjects of provision of educational services, both within the educational institution and outside, are separated. Components for developing a governance model that cover all participants in the educational process in the education system are offered to form critical thinking, the ability to understand and be able to assert their rights in various issues, learn how to implement innovative management methods, participate in discussions, webinars, learn how to anticipate the possible outcomes of lifelong learning.
The opportunity of the participants of the educational process to be socially active on the basis of civic competence, readiness to participate in the processes of the life of class, school, community, state is highlighted. Take responsibility for statutory functions within the requirements of the professional activity for the implementation of statutory professions, be able to resolve conflicts on the basis of democratic principles, values of the society.
Public governance should aim to educate a citizen-patriot student who could analyze the own actions and actions and behaviours of others who, in turn, should be directed at the formation and development of the civil society in our country.
The public maturity of students, teachers, and parents is manifested in their careful attitude towards the national and universal values. This attitude shows solidarity responsibility for the future of the native nature, harmonious coexistence with the world around. Formation of tolerant attitude to different religious communities, search for common goal of cooperation in the development of the educational space, search of charitable foundations for support and granting grants for development of the public governance.
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