


public administration, concepts, national systems of higher education


Abstract. It has been established that for national education systems in general and higher education in particular, the provision, production and financing of services can theoretically be provided by the state (traditional state universities), the private sector (private universities) or non-profit organizations. Obviously, in the real world such decisions are made very rarely. In particular, public universities increasingly receive financial support from individuals for traditional or lifelong learning programs. In addition, private companies increasingly finance state higher education institutions not only under the programs listed above, but also under scientific research programs. The state, in turn, also finances private universities when it is interested in educational programs implemented by such educational institutions. The state can finance scientific developments of private universities. It is noted that the only way to move towards an economy based on highly skilled labor is investment in human capital and strategic investment in the economy. According to this approach, the priorities of state policy in all countries of the world should increasingly be related to the development of national systems of higher education, and the increase of budget funds for the production of educational services in institutions of higher education (HEIs) will be considered as a necessary condition for state development. However, this does not happen, or at least it happens differently, and different states participate in the activities of national higher education systems in different ways: from almost completely transferring this sphere under the control of the private sector to full financing from the budget. The theory of public welfare, based on the principles of methodological subjectivism and consumer sovereignty, refers to educational services as one of the types of public goods that have public utility, which is the aggregated sum of individual utilities. This approach recognizes market failures and the need for government interventions aimed at overcoming market "failures" that take the form of inefficient resource allocation. Management methods in national systems of higher education differ in a different combination of individual and social utility, which depends on the level of development of the economy and society, state priorities, directions of investment activity. If the state seeks to strengthen the social effect of higher education activities, it directs an increased amount of budget funds to this area, as a result, both the sum of individual benefits and the final result of consumption for society increases. The purpose of the article. The purpose of the research carried out in the presented article is to analyze the concepts of public administration in national systems of higher education. Methodology. In specialized foreign and domestic literature, there is a considerable array of development of public administration concepts in national systems of higher education. Among them are G. Becker, D. Banovi, T. Veblen, A. Gibson, D. Dill, E. Hackett, K. Keith, B. Clark, M. Kogan, S. Calini, P. Connolly, St. Massey, A. Maas, S. Marginson, D. Mart, M. Considine, K. Mortimer, H. Novotny, B. Readings, G. Rozowski, S. Slaughter, J. Stiglitz, S. Jamil, S. Kerr, M. Cohen, D. Lang, L. Leslie, R. Lizensky, P. Maasen, St. Terney, M. Shatok, D. Bock, H. Fromm, J. Hope, R. Fraser, and others. Despite the number of works on these issues, a number of problems characteristic of the process of transformation of the conditions in which domestic institutions of higher education operate remain unsolved. Thus, the methodological approaches to the organization of the system of state support for higher education, the functioning of the educational services market, the poorly studied and systematized methods and tools that will allow the native higher education institutions not only to maintain viability in the existing conditions, but also to become full-fledged participants in the international educational space, are not yet sufficiently substantiated. Scientific novelty. The classification of concepts of state management in national systems of higher education based on the level of its state support has been improved, namely: correction of market failures (justification of state interventions in the field of higher education according to standard cases: public goods; external effects (externalities); information asymmetry), cost diseases (reveals the reasons for the shortage of budget funds for higher education services), dependence on the path of development (determined by methods: comparison of technical standards actually existing in the modern world, comparison of implemented technical innovations with potentially possible but unfulfilled ones), merit benefits (state support for education should be carried out in order to realize the interests of society as such). Conclusions. The described methods of state management of the organization of service provision in national higher education systems are a confirmation of conceptual changes. The methods will change depending on the properties of social utility, which are found in a certain temporary area, but, taking into account the general trends of world development, educational services will always be under state supervision. The services of higher education are goods that have both individual and social utility, which are taken care of by the state to improve the social environment based on the growth of human capital.


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