corruption, anti-corruption, anti-corruption activities, anti-corruption education, anti-corruption awareness, anti-corruption policyAbstract
The main destructive consequences of the prosperity of corruption in the state are such negative developments as violations of the principle of the rule-of-law; lack of public confidence in the State authorities; corruption in public institutions, which nullifies economic reforms and causes lower foreign investments, violates the principles of equality and social justice, etc. In Ukraine, there are many problems regarding such a phenomenon as corruption, because Ukrainian legislation is more declarative. That is why the development and implementation of anti-corruption measures should be a top priority on the way to becoming Ukraine as a rule-of-law state.
The current state of this anti-social phenomenon in the country is such that the sphere of corruption becomes a competitor of the state in the management of society, and the current organizational norms and social effect of corruption pose a threat to the national security of the country. In the absence of an effective system of control at different levels, loss of effective state leadership, corruption threatens the national sovereignty and territorial integrity of our state.
World practice shows that the combination of an effective system of combating corruption at the national and international levels, combined with regulatory support, has the greatest effect on the fight against corruption.
Considering corruption as one of the most serious obstacles to the country’s economic and political development, the realization that it poses a threat to national security raises the need to create an anti-corruption education system as a separate component of the education system. Education and upbringing of the formation of anti-corruption outlook among citizens is part of the anti-corruption state policy to eliminate the causes and conditions that generate and nurture corruption in different spheres of life.
An important component in shaping the anti-corruption worldview is to use the potential of educational work in educational institutions. Given that the main purpose of anti-corruption education is the formation of civic consciousness, social disciplines are most favorable for its integration: social sciences, history, political science, ethics, etc.
The expected result of anti-corruption education is a person with knowledge of the dangers that corruption poses to the well-being of society and the security of the state, which does not tolerate corruption and is capable of eliminating this phenomenon.
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