


public management, educational changes, concepts and terms genesis, mechanisms of secondary education, space barrier-free education, inclusion


There is a need to understand all the components, key characteristics and conditions for the functioning of public management mechanisms in the Ukrainian educational system, and especially the management of the development of barrier-free space in educational institutions of Ukraine, which will be provided by a complex of essential factors and mechanisms of public management related to general transformations in society, the emergence new paradigms, a change in the role of education in Ukrainian society and a new quality of the educational system. The study of elements, factors, conditions and mechanisms of public state management of development in various spheres of human life allows developing a general strategy of existing and future transformations, to formulate appropriate recommendations, to give a social forecast of positive changes. Of course, concepts and terms are the language of science. The study of the genesis of the historical experience of the public management of barrier-free education and the analysis of the researches of domestic and foreign scientific intelligence, the categorical analysis of the genesis of the problem in the scientific literature made it possible to clarify the concept of "public management. management of the development of barrier-free space in educational institutions of Ukraine, as an organized independent part of management of the development of barrier-free space in educational institutions of Ukraine, its general state management process, which includes purposeful development, adoption and implementation of organizing, regulatory, coordinating, controlling and motivated influences to the field of education. The specified theoretical dimensions of public management of barrier-free education make it possible to determine a certain logic of knowing its necessary conditions for studying conceptual paradigms of etymology (origin) and semantics) of the content of the concept "genesis from (from the Greek genesis – origin) – the process of emergence, education, formation and development during some natural or social phenomenon... the basis of the formation and implementation of the state educational policy in Ukraine). Therefore, the public management system for monitoring the quality of the state of barrier-free education with the definition of requirements for it (the selection of the nomenclature of indicators of the quality of life should be carried out in the system "category – concepts – indicators – indicators", include the minimum possible set of compact, accessible to understand and measure socio-economic, utilitarian indicators directly related to the quality of life, predict the possibility of using mathematical apparatus, etc.) based on the analysis of foreign theory and practice of state management of the quality of life. In the given article, the definition of "mechanism of state management of the quality of life" through a comprehensive study of the relevant mechanism, the basis of which is not only the traditional structural- organizational and structural-functional approaches, but also the structural-procedural approach, which allows specifying the process of mutual influence of the object and the subject object of management, to reveal the elements, stages, cause-and-effect relationships of this process, to develop principles, components of the mechanism of state management of the barrier-free sphere of education. Obviously, it is worth defining the concepts that in modern research have a synonymous meaning, which does not always correspond to the terminological one. Thus, in pedagogical research, integration is an important methodological category. It is aimed at ensuring the integrity of the educational process, educational systems and the education system as a whole. Therefore, barrier-free education is a system of educational services based on the principle of ensuring the basic right of children to education and the right to obtain it at the place of residence, which provides for the education of a child with special educational needs in the conditions of a general educational institution. One of the main tasks of barrierfree space is a response to a wide range of educational needs in the school environment and beyond. Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated April 14, 2021 No. 366-rOn the approval of the National Strategy for the creation of a barrier-free space in Ukraine for the period until 2030 emphasizes: Barrierfree education is based on an ideology that excludes any discrimination against children, which ensures equal treatment for all people, but creates special conditions for children with special needs. Also given is a semantic explanation of the term "disabled population groups" is used in the sense given in the Law of Ukraine "On Regulation of Urban Planning Activities", the term "person with disabilities" is used in the sense given in the Law of Ukraine "On Rehabilitation of Barrier-Free Education of People, Ensuring Understanding the influence of the factors of their productivity, health care and prosperity" should be taken into account, the index calculated annually by the World Economic Forum – the Global Competitiveness Index. Therefore, it is necessary to prove the expediency of taking into account the index, which is composed of 113 indicators, combined into 12 indicators, grouped into three groups of sub-indices: basic requirements; efficiency enhancers; factors of innovation and improvement. The purpose of the study is the scientific substantiation of the theoretical and methodological principles, the development and experimental verification of the readiness of management personnel for professional public activity in the conditions of barrier-free education, taking into account the specifics of his psychological, theoretical and practical readiness for it. The main idea of the article is that the justification of the provision on barrier-free education is determined by the special training of managers of various branches of government, managerial and pedagogical workers of educational institutions for implementation with maximum procedural and substantive support and quality monitoring of performance.


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