language, social interaction, cognitive sociology, sociolinguistics, communication, social actions, symbols, meaning, linguistic situationAbstract
The specificity of the development of the research traditions of the cognitive linguistics and sociolinguistics is considered in the article. The problems of understanding everyday language at the present stage of the science development are substantiated. The current state of the development of the ethnomethodological approach, the role of non-verbal communications in everyday communication is analyzed. The author substantiates the nature of the social action, peculiarities of functioning and interaction of the social actors through symbols and meanings. The author analyzes the developed models of the communication interaction by W. Schramm, D. McQuail, J. Grunig, T. Hunt, Y. Habermas, N. Luman. The content of one of the key concepts of the sociolinguistics — “linguistic situation”, which is defined as a set of forms of existence of the language (languages, regional koine, territorial and social dialects) is revealed. The author notes that special attention is paid in the contemporary sociolinguistics to the question of the connection and interaction of the language and culture. The features of the development of the cognitive linguistics as a linguistic trend, which considers the functioning of the language as a kind of cognitive, that is, knowing, activity, and examines the cognitive mechanisms and structures of the human consciousness through linguistic phenomena. The author confirms the basic hypothesis of the cognitive science that the thinking processes can be interpreted as processes of processing and transformation of the mental representations. The author draws on the ideas of the main proponent and representative of the cognitive sociology — American sociologist Aaron Cicourel. Also — substantiates the content of the works of the French sociologist J. Padioleau and the concepts of sociolinguistics A. Meiller, F. Boas, E. Sapir, V. Mathesius, B. Gavranek, J. Vachek and others, who made a significant contribution to the identification of the role of the social factors in the development of the languages and demonstrated the link between the language and the social processes and the social role of the literary language.
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