



public administration, police, personnel management, models of internal security, police of the Republic of Lithuania


The article deals with the peculiarities of personnel management in the police of the Republic of Lithuania, where European trends are clearly reflected. For Ukraine, given its choice of a European vector of development, it is archiving to take into account foreign experience, first and foremost the experience of EU countries, in particular in the management of police personnel.

It is confirmed that the Concept of Good Governance is applicable not only at the macro level — in the sphere of state and municipal administration, but also in certain spheres, in particular the activities of the police. Although this concept has not yet been enshrined in the Lithuanian police regulations governing the Lithuanian police, the police units (the example of the Šiauliai district) in managing efficiency apply certain principles of good governance through: the Code of Ethics for Lithuanian Police Officers; different orders of heads of the institution, mechanisms of management of activity of officials.

The experience of the Republic of Lithuania confirms the applicability of such principles to the police as: integrity, ethics and the rule of law; openness and full cooperation; measuring outcomes in terms of the social and environmental benefits of a sustainable economy; identifying interventions to optimize expected results; similarly capacity building of the organization and its staff; risk and efficiency management; principles of accountability. It is also proved that the combined (semi-centralized) model, the peculiarity of which is: the presence of a national body (ministry) responsible for ensuring internal security, coordination of the activities of disparate police services; co-existence of state police services of national and regional (territorial) as well as state and municipal police with priority of development of national police, which is being formed in the Republic of Lithuania, has prospects in Ukraine as well.


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How to Cite

Сурай, І., & Пилипенко, О. (2020). FEATURES OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT IN THE POLICE OF THE LITHUANIAN REPUBLIC. Public Management, (5 (20), 214-228. https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2019-5(20)-214-228


