state policy in the fight against organized crime, public administration, protection of state security, law enforcement reform, law enforcement activities, organized crime, criminal risk analysis, principles of state security policyAbstract
The problematic issues of the implementation of the state policy of Ukraine in the fight against organized crime as a strategic vector to ensure state security are considered. A review of legislative initiatives and practical measures taken to build public policy concepts in the fight against organized crime in the context of law enforcement reform was carried out. The content and directions of the strategy of combating organized crime as a fundamental document, which is devoted to the problems of ensuring an effective fight against organized crime through the introduction of international standards and the formation of an adequate system of measures to prevent and combat the activities of organized criminal groups, including transnational relations, are defined. The principles of state security policy which are carried out in order to form an effective system of institutional support for the fight against organized crime are analyzed. The perspective directions of strengthening the capabilities of law enforcement agencies — subjects of the fight against organized crime are detailed, which include: practical implementation in their activities of the system of criminal analysis and risk analysis of organized crime, which comply with the EU standard, in particular the methodology for assessing the threat of organized crime and serious crimes (SOCTA Ukraine); establishing effective cooperation with Interpol, Europol and other international partners on a bilateral and multilateral basis in accordance with national legislation and ratified international treaties. The ways of increasing the effectiveness of law enforcement activities in the fight against organized crime in the context of ensuring the state security of Ukraine, mechanisms for establishing strategic communications in the fight against organized crime are generalized.
The need to strengthen the management of the Government of Ukraine in developing and approving a Plan of measures to implement the strategy against organized crime, and the need to prepare recommendations based on the analysis of the implemented concepts of state policy in the fight against organized crime are emphasized. The feasibility of assessing the state of implementation of the strategy against organized crime using the appropriate criteria based on the best law enforcement practices of the European experience has been determined. The feasibility of assessing the state of implementation of the strategy against organized crime using the appropriate criteria based on the best law enforcement practices of the European experience has been determined. The necessity of publishing at the national level an annual report on the implementation of state policy in the fight against organized crime has been substantiated. The priorities of modern law enforcement activities and the ways of improving the legislative measures in the sphere of state security in the fight against organized crime have been identified.
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