sustainable development, strategy, social pillar, economic pillar, environmental pillar, national goals, national interests, social capitalAbstract
The relevance of studying the social pillar of sustainable development is defined. The long-term economic and social trends are revealed. The concept “sustainable development” is characterized. The scheme description of sustainable development and its pillars are analysed. The importance of the conception of sustainable development and its general characteristics are determined. The key principles of sustainable development are considered in the article. The integrated role of the social pillar of sustainable development according to its economic and environmental pillars is shown. The authors substantiate the necessity of implementing the sustainable development strategy in Ukraine that is caused by both internal and external factors.
The modern approach to sustainable development is the process of changing most people’s value priorities. The following international core values of development are declared — freedom, equality, solidarity, tolerance, respect for nature, and joint responsibility. The national goals of sustainable development are based on political, economic, social, environmental, moral, and cultural values that are characteristic for Ukrainian society. They define the focus of the strategy on the concern for the common good and protection of Ukrainian national interests.
The list of vectors, revealed in Strategy on Sustainable Development “Ukraine – 2020”, is presented. It is emphasized that strategic goal of sustainable development of Ukraine is based on dealing with national interests and fulfilling international obligations of Ukraine regarding the transition to sustainable development.
The necessity of pre-university education in the context of sustainable development is proved. It is emphasized that the key goal of the education in the 21st century is to develop thinking that is aimed at sustainable future and appropriate life values and priorities. The importance of cutting-edge education of sustainable development is characterized. Moreover, sustainable development is centered around a person, improving the quality of his/her life in favourable social and economic environment, as well as in clean environment.
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