communication of public administration, democratization of public life, communication management, communicative environmentAbstract
It is determined that the value of the phenomenon of communication at the present stage of development of society can barely be underestimated, because communication links permeate all spheres of life, communication is studied by different sciences: public administration, economics, law, sociology, philosophy, cultural studies, political science, and the like.
While exploring communication through the prism of interaction between public authorities and the public at the regional level, most researchers interpret communication as the basis of public administration and an important factor in the democratization of public life. Generally, it can be defined as the process of information exchange, which brings together the bodies of state administration, local governments and public groups; strengthens the need for feedback between the administrative apparatus, management structures, society, individual communities and individuals.
The concept of “political communication” is interpreted as a process of transmission, exchange of political information, which structures political activity and gives it a new meaning, forms public opinion and political socialization of citizens, taking into account their needs and interests.
It is proved that communication in public administration is considered as information interaction, focused directly on a particular organization, methods and means of building internal relationships, that is, as information flows; on the understanding of building relationships between people within the organization and in the imperceptible transfer of personal relationships to organizational, combined impressions based on a sense of sympathy or antipathy, and impressions of business qualities, as well as “management communication as a set of information links, the process of interaction between the subjects of management activities vertically, horizontally with the external social environment, through direct communication and exchange of information using appropriate means”.
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