



political stabilization, military stabilization, peace, security, democracy, rule of law, humanitarian measures, international cooperation, examples of successful cases, South Korea, Kosovo, national security, public management


The role of political and military stabilization in ensuring peace, security and stability in the world is considered. It is determined that political institutions, democracy and the rule of law play a crucial role in political stabilization by ensuring the legal order and guaranteeing the legitimacy of the government. Military stabilization, in the form of peacekeeping operations and humanitarian measures, is a key tool in resolving military conflicts and security threats. Contemporary examples such as South Korea and Kosovo highlight that a comprehensive approach combining political, economic, humanitarian and international measures is successful in addressing the challenges of political and military crises. Ensuring peace and stability requires the interaction of both aspects, as well as harmonious cooperation at the international level and a humanitarian approach. It was noted that ensuring peace, security and stability in the modern world is inseparably connected with political and military stabilization. Political institutions, democracy and the rule of law play an important role in political stabilization by upholding the norms of governance and ensuring that rules are followed. At the same time, military stabilization may be necessary in cases of military conflicts and security threats, requiring the implementation of peacekeeping operations, diplomatic initiatives and humanitarian assistance. It is emphasized that political stabilization, which is based on democratic institutions and the rule of law, together with military stabilization, determines the key components for ensuring peace and stability. Political institutions guarantee legal order and the legitimacy of government, while military stabilization uses peacekeeping and humanitarian measures to resolve military conflicts. In today’s world, there are many examples of countries that demonstrate successful strategies of using various approaches in different situations, confirming the importance of an integrated approach and international cooperation to achieve stability and peace.


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How to Cite

Ладан, М. І., & Майстренко, К. М. (2023). POLITICAL AND MILITARY STABILITY IN THE CONTEXT OF SECURITY. Public Management, (2 (35), 43-49. https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2023-2(35)-5


