


crisis, societal crisis, crisis management, public crisis management, social archetypika


The article presents an analytical projection of the societal crisis in Ukraine. Its coordinate systems are described, in which the corresponding sections of the social crisis are manifested, namely: system coordinates reflect the main spheres of the societal system crisis (political and legal, economic, social, cultural); structural coordinates reflect such poles as: a crisis of institutions, a crisis of interests and goals, a crisis of values, a crisis of identity; temporal coordinates reflect the crisis cycles of the national-state development of Ukraine; sociopsychological coordinates allow us to consider the problem of crisis (mass) consciousness at the level of socio-psychological phenomena (behind the dominant type of social experiences and forms of socio-psychological thinking). Each of the crisis sections characterizes a quite specific side of the societal crisis, which can be considered both in relative autonomy and in tight interdependence with its other parties. In its combination, in each new slice, the components of the societal crisis reproduce its new quality (synergy effect). Together, they form a complex (multifactorial), contradictory (multi-vector) and dynamic architectonics of the societal crisis in Ukraine, where each phenomenon (its structural component) can be viewed both as a cause and as a result of the conflict-confrontational tendencies of the national-state development of Ukraine. It is argued that a deep societal crisis actualizes the problem of ensuring security and stability of sustainable development in Ukraine. In turn, the practical implementation of the concept of development of the situation in Ukraine in the context of a social crisis depends on the effectiveness of state crisis management, its strategy and tactics, the ability to predict and take into account the risks that provoke a crisis situations. The analytical projection of the societal crisis reveals the potential and possibilities of the social archetypika as a diagnostic tool of the public crisis management.


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How to Cite

Суший, О. (2019). SOCIAL ARCHETYPIC AT THE SERVICE OF PUBLIC ANTI-CRISIS MANAGEMENT. Public Management, (3 (18), 439-455.


