investment policy, state investment policy, principles of investment policyAbstract
The essence of the state investment policy and principles of its implementation are described in the article. The state of state investment policy is investigated and measures of the state aimed at improving the implementation of effective investment policy are presented.
It is noted that the state investment policy is a series of activities of the relevant state authorities in the direction of the effective implementation of investment processes in order to ensure sustainable economic development of the country, and the main elements of which can determine the goal and objectives, the economic effect expected from its implementation, the composition of the priority areas and investment objects and principles of formation and implementation of investment policy.
It has been determined that the main goal of the state investment policy being implemented is to attract investments in volumes that ensure the implementation of production diversification processes and an expanded economic rebuilding, and the result of an effective state investment policy is to create conditions for the transition to an investment-innovative model of economic development that is impossible without dynamic development legislation to stimulate investment. Rational investment attraction contributes to GDP growth.
It has been established that the main goal of investment management is to provide the most effective ways to implement an investment strategy and create a favorable investment climate, in the process of implementing which investment management is aimed at solving a number of critical tasks, such as ensuring high rates of economic development in the country, creating a high-tech investment complex, increasing technical level of the production apparatus, maximization of income from investment activities, minimizing investment risks, finding ways to accelerate investment programs, creating competitive export industries, ensuring financial stability in the country in the process of carrying out investment activities, positive structural changes in the economy, overcoming maladjustments, structural and technical imbalances in the economy.
It has been concluded that thanks to a well-thought-out investment policy, states can carry out the structural restructuring of the economy, increasing its level of international competitiveness and increasing export potential.
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