public administration, construction industry, mechanisms of state administrationAbstract
The article deals with the actual issues of development of the construction industry of Ukraine, taking into account the transformational processes of the national economy and the transition to the European integration vector of development. The construction industry is one of the sectors of multipliers that can provide the growth of related branches of the national economy (for the construction industry it is more than 70 industries), to provide investment attractiveness of the economy. The urgency of the development of the construction industry is also the social security through the realization of commercial real estate construction projects aimed at the development of small and medium businesses and residential areas for solving social and household issues. Thus, the urgency of the development of the construction industry determines the need to find mechanisms for state regulation in construction in order to ensure the effective functioning of the construction industry. An effective mechanism for ensuring economic development is the establishment of a rational system of public administration. The system of public administration includes a complex of interconnected mechanisms of influence on the subject of management with a view to the implementation of government functions of the state: planning, forecasting, regulation, organization, monitoring, control — by allocating power authorities of state authorities in accordance with the hierarchical structure or delegation of authority in within the limits defined by the current legislation to the bodies of public control or private structures. The implementation of managerial functions consists in developing an organizational and economic mechanism through the implementation of managerial functions, the use of information and analytical support and the formation of conditions for their practical implementation. Consequently, the article deals with theoretical and methodological approaches to the development of effective mechanisms of state management of the construction industry taking into account the requirements of the national construction market, strategic goals of the development of the country’s economic system and the maximum realization of the potential of the construction industry to ensure its competitiveness in the conditions of European integration processes and entry into the world markets.
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