


inclusive education, reformation of the educational system, pedagogical workers, psychological and pedagogical support of the child, correction of psychophysical development, adult education


In this article an attempt to analyze the introduction of inclusive education in Ukraine is made. The reform of the education system, providing equal access to quality education for all children, including children with special educational needs, is highlighted. The peculiarities of the inclusive form of education in modern Ukrainian school are revealed, which include the right of a child who needs correction of psychophysical development, to attend general educational institutions and readiness of pedagogical staff for psychological and pedagogical support of the child. The implementation of the Law of Ukraine “On Education” on reforming the education system, ensuring equal access to quality education for all children, including children with special educational needs, is characterized. The actual significance of the inclusive form of education in the modern Ukrainian school is revealed, which implies the right of a child who needs correction of psychophysical development to attend general educational institutions and readiness of pedagogical staff for psychological and pedagogical support of the child.

A shift of emphasis of the state’s social policy concerning disabled people towards the formation of public consciousness regarding their perception as equal members of society and the need to create conditions for those citizens to live life to the full, including education, is highlighted. Legally recognized the right of children with special educational needs to study in educational institutions at their place of residence.

The issue of the inclusion of children with special educational needs in the children’s collective as soon as possible, starting from preschool age, is described.

Within the education of adults the use of non-traditional forms and methods of work is described, which proved its efficiency and effectiveness. While preparing future pedagogical staff, institutes of postgraduate pedagogical education and other institutions involved in further training should include inclusive subjects in educational programs and educate psychologists and professionals to work with children with special educational needs. It is necessary to provide them with knowledge of special and social pedagogy, as well as tools and models of alternative learning with the use of workshop (an intensive educational activity in which adults learn through their own activities).


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How to Cite

Кухарчук, П., Коврігіна, Л., & Калінін, В. (2018). CHARACTERISTIC FEATURES OF INTRODUCTION OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION IN UKRAINE. Public Management, (5 (15), 123-139.


