public service, service in local self-government bodies, personnel, personnel potential, decentralization, development, training, personnel trainingAbstract
The article analyzed the possibilities of improving the professional training of local government staff taking into account the implementation of the principle of decentralization. The ways of improving the training of specialists of local self-government bodies are proposed, it is envisaged to expand the right of territorial communities to choose not only a higher educational institution that will train specialists but also professional programs that will prepare specialists for a particular territorial community.
The analysis provided grounds for highlighting important elements of the professionalization of local government staff as the basis for the formation of decentralization in Ukraine.
1) The current legislation should provide for the allocation of funds to territorial communities for vocational training, raising the skills of local government officials. This will enable the community to select which professionals to prepare for this area.
2) It is necessary to adopt a normative legal document that would provide for the formation of a real need for vocational training and professional development of local government personnel, taking into account the monitoring carried out in need in such professional personnel.
3) Provision of territorial communities with the right to choose a higher educational institution that will train specialists who need this region (population, community). In addition, it is necessary to foresee the organization on the basis of municipal educational establishments of mobile permanent courses of training of officials of local self-government with the involvement of any specialists from all regions of Ukraine, if necessary in such courses.
4) In order to strengthen the role of the territorial community, it should be foreseen the right of the community to choose not only a higher educational institution, but also the curricula that are required for professionals who work in the area.
5) To oblige the specialists who have received education for the money of a territorial community, to work in this community for 5 years or to return the money for professional training.
6) Provide funds for the financing of talented youth abroad, provided that they work after graduation of a certain time in Ukraine.
The system of training and advanced training of staff of local self-government bodies should depend on the needs of the region in certain competencies of such specialists, as well as the number of such specialists, which in turn can be made if the territorial community is empowered to monitor the needs of staff and the right of communities to order professional training or advanced training. In addition, it is necessary to give territorial communities the right not only to choose a higher educational institution, which trains local self-government personnel, but also curricula for which such training will be carried out.
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Про схвалення Концепції реформу- вання системи професійного нав- чання державних службовців, голів місцевих державних адміністрацій, їх перших заступників та заступ- ників, посадових осіб місцевого са- моврядування та депутатів місце- вих ради: розпорядження Кабінету Міністрів України від 01.12.2017 р. № 974. URL: (дата звернення 16.10.2018 р.).