sustainable development, external effect, globalization, economic permits, risk management, environment, the best available technologyAbstract
The article examines the territorial type of externalities, which is closely linked to the concept of sustainable development. The modern generation must satisfy its needs without diminishing the opportunities of the following generations. Here the fundamental economic point is the laying of additional external costs of modern generations for the future ones, with the current technological development. The concept of temporal externalities is a new level of awareness of the effect of external negative environmental externalities. The positive experience of the EU countries in creating effective tools for stimulating environmental protection and reducing the complex negative impact on natural ecosystems is considered.
Determined that the implementation of the concept of “risk management” for human health in general is based on a system of tools similar to that of Ukraine [5].
It is noted that, however, the use of these tools in EU countries is based on a mechanism that is significantly different from the domestic one. At the heart of this mechanism is the system of giving the complex environmental permits for industrial installations, which for industrial objects will be determined on the basis of the best available technologies (BATs).
Installed that, the company meets the requirements set by the CEDs, planned to improve the environmental impact indicators, it will be exempted from any financial sanctions (in the form of fines in foreign practice). Such sanctions will arise only if the planned work of the enterprise is not executed and the established limits are not reached.
It is noted that, another methodological approach deals with the analysis of the provision of social and economic system of natural resources based on modelling. Attempts to construct global models of development, taking into account the influence of a set of factors, are widely known in the world practice.
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