

special theory, information security, modeling, administrativelegal regulation, safety of social systems


The article deals with the principles of creating a special theory of administrative and legal regulation of information security, analyzes the process of its analogy with physical laws, analyzes the threats and dangers to interests and all information security that affect the process of modeling, determines the principles of constructing and researching models of information security of social systems.

It was noted that the administrative and legal regulation of information security is due to the need for state management of the processes of formation and use of information resources, the creation and application of information systems and the provision of information security of social systems. It is proved that to a large extent information security is caused by the need for administrative regulation of information relations in various spheres that form the system itself and maintain its integrity. It is determined that the administrative and legal basis of information security of social systems should provide an ideal state of activity of subjects, system and its models. Selected concrete administrative and legal principles of information security, such as physical formulas, create its model. Of course, for each social system, the model of information security is individual. However, there are also general patterns of modeling, for example — the construction of the model should be based on the simple and optimal (as we are referred to by the flow of light), administrative and legal principles.

It is proved that high rates of development of information technologies, create new requirements to the sphere of security in general and to information security in particular. The reform of the legislation regulating activity in the field of information security should be based on the proper scientific theory. What is urgent is the need to create a General Security Theory, which would explain and regulate the set of processes of ensuring the safety of society.


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How to Cite

Лисенко, С. (2018). SPECIAL THEORY OF ADMINISTRATIVE-LEGAL REGULATION OF INFORMATION SECURITY OF THE SOCIAL SYSTEMS. Public Management, (1 (11), 199-210. Retrieved from http://journals.maup.com.ua/index.php/public-management/article/view/549


