

national security, archetypes, economic relations, innovations, threats, interaction management, reform strategy, national interest


The study is devoted to the definition the main aspects of the archetypal nature of economic conflicts as threats to national security and the development of a policy framework aimed at overcoming them. The methodological apparatus of research includes the principles of system-functional, historical-genetic and logical analysis of the social nature of economic processes and conflicts.

The relationship between archetypes and major economic contradictions has been defined. The main aspects of the manifestation of archetypes in the economic sphere of Ukraine and the impact of these processes on national security were analyzed. It is proposed to consider this impact from the point of view of competitiveness, which is possible provided that the institutional vector of the economy and public interests that are expressed in archetypes and the corresponding decisions and processes are coordinated to ensure synergy in social capital.

The space of economic conflicts occurrence, which lie in the difference of the goals of economic relations participants, is considered, and it is identified, that the parameters of national interests are determined by the geopolitical picture of the world and the values system of society. It is noted, that non-compliance of strategies with real national economic interests leads to the emergence of alternative economic dimensions, that come into conflict with formal ones.

As the main way of forecasting economic conflicts it is suggested to consider expert centers, that will allow to formulate the development strategy, that will be based on national interests. It is important, that the conflicts can reveal a whole range of long-term development vectors.

Prospects for further researches, which consist in conceptualizing economic development strategies on the basis of national interests, are determined.


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How to Cite

Омельяненко, В. (2017). ARCHETYPICAL ANALYSIS OF MODERN ECONOMIC CONFLICTS IN THE CONTEXT OF NATIONAL SECURITY. Public Management, (3 (8), 233-244. Retrieved from


