

conflict, organisational culture, archetype, political parties, elite group


The article presents the archetypal model of emergence, escalation and resolution of social conflicts created to determine the conditions for stopping the destructive process of fragmentation of the political organisations of Ukrainian elite groups. Within the established model, the archetypal mechanisms of conflict development were revealed, the factors that make the participants of competitive interaction clash in confrontation were identified, and the conditions of its transformation into cooperation were outlined. The role of the biological mechanisms of activation of conflict participants was demonstrated.

When analysing the developed model, the connection between the fragmentation of Ukrainian elite groups and imbalance of the differentiating and integrating functions in internal organisational conflicts was revealed. This made it possible to suggest that this imbalance is due to contradictions between habitual (network) and current (hierarchical) components inherent in the organisational culture of Ukrainian society. The habitual component, due to activation of the corresponding groups of archetypes of the unconscious, blocks the process of sacralisation of leaders as part of realisation of the current component, which makes it impossible for them to perform the integrating function in political organisations under conditions where the differentiating function of internal organisational conflicts is realised without hindrance. This causes the continuous fragmentation of the political organisations of Ukrainian elite groups, which leads to their degradation, atomisation and, as a result, their failure to exercise its power functions.

It is concluded that the destructive fragmentation process of the political organisations of Ukrainian elite groups as a result of the unbalanced differentiating function of internal organisational conflicts can be stopped only after their restructuring into a multi-intelligent social model system. It can be implemented through appropriate algorithms of interaction among members and units of political organisations, which together will constitute a variable organisational structure that will provide a synergistic effect due to the simultaneous mutually reinforcing reproduction of the habitual and current components inherent in the organisational culture of Ukrainian society.


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How to Cite

Плахтій, Т. (2017). ARCHETYPAL MODEL OF EMERGENCE, ESCALATION AND RESOLUTION OF SOCIAL CONFLICTS. Public Management, (3 (8), 245-259. Retrieved from


