cyber threats, blockchain, distance education, cryptosystem, entropy, ideology, cyberspace.Abstract
In the context of the historical cyclical nature of the global financial and economic crisis, the preservation of state secrets as a component of the state cryptosystem is of current importance. Attention is paid to the multivector diversity of the state cryptosystem as a digital cipher key in the administrative and legal interests of real cyberspace, which is entropy uncertain at the level of the face and the information society. The significance of the cryptosystem is revealed – this is not just a conglomerate or a collection of certain objects, but a hidden harmonious combination of elements and connections that creates a new counterintelligence quality of control and coordination by the state. It is indicated that such a latent resonant integrality is considered the most important characteristic of the cryptosystem. Attention is paid to the quantum reassessment of information capital in cybersecurity as key ciphers of a diverse legal cryptosystem. It is shown that it is the remote form of communication that is in demand precisely in times of crisis, in particular the spread of coronavirus. Attention is paid to the application of the possibilities of active purposeful use of the global information network, their ability to influence the educational, scientific and professional path, and with them the historical path of Ukraine. The urgency of developing modern methodological and technical support, the introduction of innovative distance education technologies in the professional training of future production personnel is noted. Given this, in order to develop an effective mechanism to counter cyberthreats, Ukraine should take an example of the existing practice of foreign countries and the international community and bring it into line with Ukrainian realities. The socio-legal resonance and significance of ideological issues in the cryptosystem of the state as the requirements of the time are determined, which requires an unconscious completeness of its research.
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