



political management, political marketing, local politics, segmentation of the electorate, social needs, local leaders, political technologies.


The formation of local political regimes in modern Ukraine and the world is considered. The levers of political power and management in the community, which can be usurped by certain elite groups, are analyzed. The tools of implementing political transformations, which can be implemented on the basis of marketing mechanisms for planning political activities, are studied. The factors of purposeful activity regarding the analysis and diagnosis of preferences of key electoral groups and dynamic changes in the socio-demographic structure of the local community are revealed. Features of assessing the level of application of marketing knowledge in political activity at the local level and during the adoption of local political decisions are established. The importance of marketing management of social processes is discussed, which provides an opportunity to achieve significant results of community development through the formation of positive public opinion and behavior management. The purpose of the article is to find out the specifics of the trends in the use of the marketing paradigm of political activity at the local level. The mechanisms of marketing surveys and data analysis, which are collected in social networks and on the basis of consumer behavior of a certain territory, are studied. The means of achieving an advantage over political rivals in the deployment of information-analytical and organizational-management structures are found out. The ability of the current ruling team to constantly formulate unique political proposals that meet the interests of the main socio-demographic groups in the community has been revealed. Stages of political and advertising campaigns to ensure the actions of local political management have been established. Measures and structures that require constant resource support and marketing approval of management tools are being studied. The possibilities of implementing specific ideas and their dependence on the effectiveness of the formation of the project proposal are clarified. The level of marketing analysis of the political structure of the community is determined, which ensures a more rational use of resources for the political investor at the local level.


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How to Cite

ХМЕЛЬНИКОВ, А. (2023). MARKETING PARADIGM OF LOCAL POLITICAL MANAGEMENT: FEATURES AND PERSPECTIVES OF APPLICATION. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (3(63), 122-127.