
  • Anatolii KLOCHKO




information, national security, information security, information warfare, cyber threats.


The article pays special attention to the information war with countries that are trying to impose their values on Ukraine, to destroy the traditional moral and ethical foundations of Ukrainian society. The author notes that information in all periods of mankind played the role of a global factor of system-wide balance. The primary tasks of information protection in an automated system in the process of electronic interaction are the prevention, distribution, modification, destruction, copying, blocking, and unlawful duplication of restricted access information. The purpose of the work. The purpose of the article is to analyze the information security system in modern society. Methodology. The article focuses on the main cyber threats to the national security of Ukraine. In this context, the creation of a unified national cyber security system to overcome these cyber threats is of particular importance. Scientific novelty. It has been proven that the national interests of Ukraine in the field of information security should consist in the development of modern telecommunication technologies, in the protection of state information resources from unauthorized access. Conclusions. It is emphasized that what needs to be done in the country for the further development of an effective and efficient system of cyber security. It was established that the mechanisms for protecting information security of Ukraine are divided into two levels (legislative and administrative). It is noted that the key to creating a reliable information security system today can only be the strengthening of the Ukrainian state itself and its state bodies responsible for ensuring information security in the country. It has been proven that in order to strengthen countermeasures against Russia's information war against Ukraine, it is important to study the experience of other countries.


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How to Cite

КЛОЧКО, А. (2023). ENSURING INFORMATION SECURITY IN THE CONDITIONS OF MODERN SOCIETY. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (3(63), 38-42. https://doi.org/10.32689/2523-4625-2022-3(63)-6