


public administration, state mechanism of state administration, educational space, development of education, health-preserving technologies, health, life safety, health-preserving professional competence


The purpose of the article is to analyze the substantiation of the content, forms and methods of implementation theoretically grounded and experimentally tested technology for assessing the provision of innovative management of an educational institution on the identification of shortcomings in the process of implementing innovative management and forecasting ways to overcome them while providing a system of appropriate conditions for public management of health-saving space in the education of Ukraine. In accordance with the purpose of the research, the main task was formulated: to reveal the state of development of the problem of organizing an innovative approach to the implementation of health-preserving principles in the modern management theory and practice of educational institutions. The methodological basis of the research is: domestic documents related to education, first of all, the laws of Ukraine "On education", "On general secondary education", "On higher education", Concept of development of postgraduate education in Ukraine, National strategy for the development of education in Ukraine for 2012–2021 and the Concept of the National Program "Health – 2020: Ukrainian Dimension". At the same time, the existing low level of general indicators of the health of children and adolescents, the spread of socially dangerous diseases, HIV/AIDS, high levels of alcoholism and drug addiction, and reproductive health require a new strategy for solving health preservation issues, the basis of which should be modern technologies promotion of preservation, strengthening and formation of health through education offered by WHO. The scientific novelty of the proposed materials consists in a comparative and prognostic analysis of the development of the formation of the readiness of management personnel for public management of health-saving space in educational institutions; characteristics of innovative activities of institutions and organizations aimed at popularizing health-saving definitions among all subjects of experience education; in the strengthening of the procedural role of the formation of professional health-preserving competencies in managerial personnel. The analysis of the experience of public innovative management of the health-saving space proved that the implementation of the intended problem both at the national and regional levels is multifaceted and multifunctional. Applying various technologies and methods of self-education, influencing the consciousness of each individual, help to understand the importance of health-saving technologies on an interdisciplinary basis. Promising for the Ukrainian education system in the process of its integration into the world educational space.


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How to Cite

ОЛЕКСІЄНКО, О. (2023). HEALTH-PRESERVING PRINCIPLES OF PUBLIC AND INNOVATIVE MANAGEMENT OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS OF UKRAINE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (4(70), 48-57.