Religious and Archetypal Origins and the Contemporary Human Rights


  • O. I. Dikarev


The relationship between legal approaches to human rights and their religious reflection in their fundamental archetypal moments, including in
relation to positive law and the role that it plays in the legal development of individual countries and regions, is analyzed. In addition, the sociocultural archetype in the theory of law and legal thinking is positioned as a theoretical and methodological admissibility of inclusion in the right of deep, complex structures, constructive law and influence on the “upper” (other) levels of legal reality in the positivist
paradigm of law. Although, according to G. Kelzen, legal science should not engage in the legitimization of law, they do not have to justify the investigated and described normative order at all, we also refer to the modern naturalist legal understanding of law (the natural law theory of law as the eternal mind), which does not allow in its framework, to see at least irrational constituents of law. As you know, the natural-legal thought in its development was several stages: from the naturalistic understanding of natural law, characteristic of mythological consciousness, to the rationalistic inherent to the present time, through the theological stage. The law has always implicitly taken into account the previous stages of natural-legal thought, which reproduce and repeat in their regulatory influence ancient, archaic attitudes and beliefs that legitimize rational law as a product of the modern age and regulate modern social relations. The category of the archetypal meta basin and the phenomena corresponding to them can be considered in terms of sociological legal understanding. At the heart of all disputes and conflicts related to the interpretation of human rights in Europe is the conflict of legal consciousness, since for Europe the very law is a goal and at the same time a means of settling and preventing any contradictions. The religious concept of human rights treats the principle of equality in its own way, following not strictly legal, but, rather, social and moral criteria.


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How to Cite

Дікарєв, О. І. . (2024). Religious and Archetypal Origins and the Contemporary Human Rights. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (2(56), 46-56. Retrieved from

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