



insomnia, sleep disorders, war, depression, Alzheimer's disease, stress, sleep physiology, immunity


Relevance. The problem of insomnia is becoming increasingly widespread among the population of Ukraine due to the martial law in the country. The study of changes in both the physiological functioning of the body and the mental state of the individual does not lose its relevance among scientists, especially given the possibility of using the latest diagnostic technologies, including polysomnography, magnetic resonance imaging, etc. Insomnia is divided into acute and chronic forms, the differential diagnosis of which is primarily based on anamnesis with clarification of the time frame during which symptoms are observed. In order to establish the diagnosis of insomnia, it is necessary that disturbances related to sleep initiation or sleep continuity are observed at least 3 times a week. An acute form of insomnia may not necessarily turn into a chronic one; in most clinical cases, chronic and acute insomnia have different etiologies. The occurrence of sleep disorders becomes relevant in conjunction with the study of stress disorders, as insomnia is one of the characteristic symptoms of an acute stress response, post-traumatic stress disorder, etc. Depression, anxiety disorders, and other mental and somatic disorders may have sleep disorders in their clinical picture, which are characterized by such problems as sleep initiation disorders, sleep interruptions, sleep phase disorders, namely the absence of deep sleep. Due to the fact that insomnia is not only a clinical symptom, but also a factor that has a significant destructive effect on the mental state of a person, a vicious circle is formed. There is a direct correlation between sleep deprivation and the onset and/or exacerbation of suicidal behavior. In studies, researchers have confirmed this fact, given the higher rates of improvement in patients with depression accompanied by suicidal thoughts/intentions, the improvement occurred due to the prescription of sleep aids along with serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Persistent sleep deprivation is closely related to emotional distress, which has a significant impact on the body, increasing the risk of developing diseases such as type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, and hypertension. Objective. The purpose of the article is to determine the connection between modern stressful realities of life and sleep disorders. Conclusions. Etiologically, sleep disorders are associated with a significant list of factors, but researchers single out the theory of stress-associated insomnia, that is, psychotherapeutic and pharmacological support of a person in a stressful state significantly reduces the risk of insomnia or eliminates already existing symptoms.


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How to Cite

КЛИМЕНКО, І., & ГАЛАДЗА, М. (2024). A MODERN VIEW OF THE PROBLEM OF SLEEP DISORDER IN THE CONDITIONS OF PERMACRISIS. Modern Medicine, Pharmacy and Psychological Health, (1(15), 86-90. https://doi.org/10.32689/2663-0672-2024-1-15

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