physicality, young women, psychological changes, sociocultural norms, pregnancy, self-esteem, psychological supportAbstract
The article examines the process of physical formation in young women during the formation of child-parent relations, which is a complex and multidimensional phenomenon that encompasses physiological, psychological, and sociocultural aspects. This process has a significant impact on a woman's perception of her body and her adaptation to the new role of mother, which can be both a source of stress and an important part of her self-understanding. Physiological changes, such as changes in the size and shape of the body, hormonal changes and disruption of the usual rhythms of life, are important factors that affect a woman's perception of her appearance. Changes in the body after childbirth can be accompanied by emotional difficulties such as anxiety, depression and low self-esteem. Psychologically important are aspects such as the gap between the identities of «woman» and «mother», which can cause feelings of internal conflict and psycho-emotional tension. This, in turn, can lead to the development of complexes due to changes in the body, reinforced by the sociocultural standards of beauty that dominate society. Media stereotypes related to the ideal of the postpartum woman, as well as cultural ideas about motherhood, often create additional pressure on new mothers, which can make it difficult for them to accept their own bodies. Social support, especially from a partner and loved ones, plays an important role in the process of adaptation to new changes. Support and acceptance of physical changes can greatly facilitate the process of adaptation to the role of mother, increasing emotional resilience and reducing stress levels. Development of psychological support programs that emphasize emotional acceptance of change, development of body positivity, and psychological support through social connections is an important step in facilitating young women's adaptation to their new roles.
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