state, Christianity, interaction, dialogue, unity, politics, globalization, economy, democracy, modernizationAbstract
The article shows the role of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine in strengthening the processes of statehood and unity of the Ukrainian people in the context of political, economic and cultural changes in the life of Ukraine. The real problems and possible ways of spiritual unity of the Ukrainian people are analyzed, as well as the main aspects of state formation in the national theological and political thought. It is substantiated that the dialogue between the Ukrainian Christian Churches and society will always be the basic element of social development and the platform of democratization processes in Ukraine.
From the point of view of the social doctrine of the Church we can conclude that the self-organizing spiritual and social processes that take place at the level of church parishes of horizontal ties effectively influence the development of the processes of state formation and the whole civil society in Ukraine. Taking into account the situation as a whole, there is a need to reconsider the positions regarding the further development of the dialogue between the Church and the state in the process of state building, focusing on the motivation of self-organization processes in governance at the level of church communities, potential opportunities for cooperation between the institutes of the Church, state and civil society in the spiritual, educational spheres, achieving parity at the level of vertical-horizontal ties in order to balance: the interests of the subject and the object of public administration.
The author is convinced that in order to establish close relations between the state and the Church in the processes of state formation in management it is necessary not local and not fragmentary but constant and steady social selforganization of church parishes (social service, education, upbringing, preaching, communication) in conjunction with an effective state management. It should also take into account the fact that at the level of the church life of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine and the formation of the social doctrine of the Church it is necessary to form a general idea of the further development of relations between the state and the Church in management.
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