vessels, tasks, object, questions, subject, forensic examination, commodity science, evaluation.Abstract
The purpose of the article is to consider the theoretical basis of forensic examination of the assessment of vessels and their components: development of methodology for the appointment, organization and conduct; definition of the terms «task», «subject», «object», «question» of examination and basic methods of their conduct. The methodological basis of research on the evaluation of vessels and their components are the laws and categories of the theory of knowledge. The essence of the studied categories and phenomena was clarified by the system-structural method. The main tasks, subject, objects, main issues of forensic examination of the assessment of vessels and their parts are identified. It is shown that the techniques used for expert assessment and determination of the value of vessels and their parts can be divided into three groups: approaches, methods and techniques. Approaches provide principles for determining value. The methods determine the procedure for calculating the cost. The methodologie consider the application of one or another method to specific objects of vessels and their details and specific purposes of calculation. Estimating the cost of vessels and their parts in a particular case of their use, taking into account the physical wear, is a rather complex procedure and in each case requires a unique solution to the problem. However, for all the variety of such cases, there are three generally accepted approaches to the assessment to vessels and their parts: cost approach, comparative (market) approach, income approach. To solve the tasks and create a coherent system of expert research on the assessment of vessels and their parts, it is necessary to conduct a number of research works to develop: methods of studying the technical condition of vessels and their parts; methods of comprehensive assessment of the cost of vessels and their parts.
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