


children with disabilities, maternal stress, coping strategies


Formulation of the problem. The mother of a child with a disability suffers from guilt before the child, becomes prone to depression and anxiety and psychosomatic disorders and, in an attempt to compensate for the child’s defects, resort to inadequate, erroneous strategies such as hyperopia and avoidance of social contacts. potential of a child with a disability. Formulation of the purpose of the article. The aim is to investigate the coping strategies of mothers raising children with debilitating psychoneurological diseases. Research hypothesis: mothers of children with disabilities have coping strategies that differ from coping strategies of mothers of healthy children. Literature review. The birth of a child with a disability is the cause of trauma primarily to mothers, in which it is manifested through inadequate treatment, which hinders the successful socialization of such a child. The task of the psychologist in such cases is to pay attention, in particular, to the formation of adequate and effective strategies for overcoming maternal stress. Presenting main material. The study was conducted on the basis of Nadiya Secondary School in Kyiv, where the first (experimental) group was formed, which included 36 mothers of children with disabilities, while the second (control) group included 42 mothers of healthy children who studied in ordinary Secondary school in Kyiv. The average age of mothers was 35.4 years. Psychodiagnostic research was conducted using the following methods: Self-assessment of mental states (G. Yu. Eisenk); Modification of the SVF 120 questionnaire V. Yanke, G. Erdman “Overcoming difficult life situations” (PSJS) N. Vodopyanov; Questionnaire “Satisfaction with life” (TM Savchenko, MV Golovin). Mothers raising children with disabilities were more likely to have high anxiety, aggression, and rigidity than mothers of healthy children, but frustration was lower, indicating greater stress resilience. Among mothers of children with disabilities, coping strategies such as control over the situation, self-control and positive selfmotivation predominated, and among mothers of practically healthy children – control over the situation, positive self-motivation and distraction. Conclusions and prospects for further research. Statistically significant (p <0.05) differences between coping strategies of mothers raising children with disabilities and mothers of practically healthy children were found. Further research is planned to study the coping strategies of mothers depending on the nosology of the disabling disease of the child.


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How to Cite

БАЧУРІНА, Н., ДМИТРІЄВА, В., & ЗДОРОВЕНКО, Н. (2022). COPING STRATEGIES OF MOTHERS RAISING CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES. Modern Medicine, Pharmacy and Psychological Health, (2(7), 22-33.

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