



state personnel policy, public administration, public administration, mechanisms of public administration, education of Ukraine, higher education of Ukraine, state personnel policy in the field of education


In the article the features of realization of personnel policy of the state in the sphere of education are researched. The author considers it as the purposeful strategic activity of the state, connected with the planning and forecasting of the formation, professional development and rational use of personnel in the field of education, the definition of goals and priorities of personnel and the state order for the training of specialists with higher education. It is argued that this is also an integral part of the state’s strategy for the formation and rational use of the human potential of society.

It is shown that the structure of the state personnel policy in the field of education, as well as the structure of the state personnel policy in general, is based on the principles, includes entities, objects, mechanisms of formation and implementation. The basic principles of state personnel policy in the field of education are social justice, complexity and consistency of its implementation; balance of public interests and interests of certain social groups; professionalism; balance of representation of experienced and young workers with regard to gender equality; responsibility of the state for creation of preconditions for realization of vital interests of the person, realization by citizens of the right to education and labor; mutual respect between the individual and the state, employee and employer; partnership between the state and the non-governmental sector; continuity of training.

In addition, according to the author, as the principles of state personnel policy in the field of education, it is proposed to consider the rules based on foreign and domestic experience, which are the basis of the activity of the subjects on the formation and implementation of personnel policy of the state — the bodies of state power and local self-government, departments, institutions, organizations, enterprises in the field of education.

The ineffectiveness of the state cadre policy leads to the fact that there is a significant gap between the requirements of employers and the level of education in Ukraine. It is also determined that the mass of higher education necessitates the optimization of the state order in order to bring it into line with the real needs of the national economy.


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How to Cite

Малигіна, І. (2019). FEATURES OF THE REALIZATION OF STATE PERSONNEL POLICY IN THE EDUCATION IN U. Public Management, (2 (17), 174-187. https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2019-17-2-174-187


