education, higher education, innovations in the education system, innovative components of the transformation of modern higher educationAbstract
The main innovative aspects of management of modern higher education, which are caused by the transition of societies from post-industrial to informational status, are analysed. The article substantiates the provisions concerning: a) the nature and specifics of radical modernization of education in general and higher education directly; b) the role and significance of innovations in the management of institution of higher education; c) new approaches to the formation of public administration in the development of higher education; d) human dimension in the transformation of higher education and its management. It is noted that innovation changes in higher education are ambiguous and can be classified by such a system: a) by the real level of novelty; b) on the peculiarity of their implementation (one-time, systemic, diffuse, etc.); c) in the state of implementation successful or completed, incomplete, etc.). The emphasis is on the fact that there are many different theories of the development of education in general and higher education directly: the theory of selective development; theory of resource membership; theory of structural and situational development; the theory of neoinstitutional development; phenomenological theory and others. The thesis on state administration of higher education as an organized independent part of the overall process of public administration is substantiated, which includes the development, adoption and practical recommendation of organizational, coordinating, regulatory, motivational, controlling influence on the system of higher education, its development and progressive functioning. Attention is drawn to the fact that in the process of analysing the innovative aspects of the development of higher education three possible theoretical and methodological approaches are used: functional, technological, theoretical. It is substantiated that there is every reason to point out that “development of education” is a much wider, voluminous process than simply “updating of education”, because because of it education acquires qualitatively new features. The same applies to the term “modernization of education”, or the term “education update”, under which we most likely have to see some aspects of education.
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