state administration, association of entrepreneurs, small and medium business, sphere of entrepreneurship, analysis of regulatory influence.Abstract
The article deals with the issues of interaction between business associations and state administration in the conditions of implementation and improvement of regulatory policy in Ukraine. The ways and mechanisms of state management of forming the sphere of entrepreneurship in Ukraine are revealed, in particular, the mechanism — the analysis of the regulatory influence of the normative act is investigated. It is proved that the involvement of public associations of entrepreneurs in the realization of the functions of state power will enable not only to reduce the path through which management decisions are promoted from the moment of their adoption to implementation, but also to reduce the corresponding items of expenditure of the state budget, in particular, the costs of specific measures of public administration and regulation in the field of entrepreneurship. The analysis showed that since 2000 all the Program of activities of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, which are approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, implement measures of effective mechanism of cooperation between public administration bodies and public organizations of entrepreneurs on issues of implementation of state policy in the field of entrepreneurship. In order to accomplish this task, the bodies that deal with entrepreneurship with the participation of public associations have developed specific documents (concept, strategy, program) for the cooperation of public associations with public authorities. Such documents should include the creation of a network of advisory bodies at executive bodies at all levels of public administration and regulation in Ukraine. It is determined that the mechanism of such cooperation is based on the principles of partnership on the basis of “feedback” between the government and entrepreneurs, which provides for the free access of self-governing organizations of small and medium enterprises to information of state authorities and local selfgovernment, involving them in the development and discussion of normative draft and regulatory acts in the sphere of formation of the business environment, introduction of public control over the current execution by the public authorities of the planned events in. It is noted in the article that such rules and procedures are laid down in the model regulations of the respective councils, colleges, committees and influence the clear ways of implementing the state regulatory policy in Ukraine.
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