


regional development, publicity, multilevel governance, subjects of regional development, public-power relations, network model of interaction.


In the article was substantiated that Ukraine, as well as many other states, supplemented the activities on the formation and implementation of state policy by industry with a more focused individual approach to each region – regional policy or regional development policy, trying to solve specific regional problems and actively cooperate with citizens and institutions the region. The focus is that, unlike sectoral policies, the regional must first focus on the spatial effects of certain political actions and measures, programs and budgets, serve as a specific filter, through which certain types of policies are directed to specific territories to achieve optimal (positive) effect and complementarity of activities. It was determined that the objects of regional development policy are territorial entities, which should be considered as systems of certain subordination, within which the state administration and local self-government are carried out. Its subjects are central, regional and local bodies of state executive power and bodies of local self-government, which, based on their competence, solve issues related to the socio-economic development of the regions. At the same time, the article emphasizes the complexity of the territory as an object of management, and therefore, the role of focusing on the decentralization of power and the partnership between its various levels and branches, as well as private and nongovernmental sectors, is increasing on the way to balanced, planned development of regions and separate territories. Therefore, it is emphasized that the full participants in the processes of qualitative territorial transformations, and accordingly, the subjects of regional development, are commercial enterprises and non-profit organizations, as well as individual citizens. The author draws attention to the fact that this feature brings the state policy of regional development beyond purely administrative processes – to the level of publicity. There is a certain transformation of the state policy of regional development into a multilevel public policy. The necessity of institutionalization of publicity as a principle of organization of the democratic political process of elaboration and adoption by the authorities of socially significant decisions is stated. The shift of constants from centralized management and regulation to multi-polar and multi-level, which is characterized by the presence of many levels and centers of activity, high degree of independence between numerous actors with different interests, which necessitates the definition of procedures in public activities. It was concluded that in the conditions of decentralized public-power relations, the network model of the interaction of the subjects of power and society forms the trust between the institutional actors and the corporate interest of all participants and is the most optimal in the process of formation and implementation of the policy of regional development.


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How to Cite

Тодорова, О. Л. (2019). STATE POLICY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AS A TYPE OF MULTI-LEVEL PUBLIC POLICY. Expert: Paradigm of Law and Public Administration, (2(4), 194-207.

