professional competence of the manager, managerial technology, management strategy, upgrading of educational service delivery, performance, managerial model of the manager.Abstract
The article deals with the managerial aspects of the modernization of the educational process at the institution of education and the requirements for the professional competence of the head. The organization of application of modern effective organizational approaches, forms of management in the process of activity of heads of educational organizations is substantiated: essence, problems, main components and elements, positive approaches to efficiency. It is determined that application of management target orientation, optimality, managerial intensification of the process of providing educational services can increase the effectiveness of the activities of the current head of educational organization. Analysis of literary sources, practice of management activity of the head of educational organization showed that: • the process of intensification of scientific research, in order to increase the effectiveness of managerial activity of the head at the present stage, has some growth; • there are new and upgraded operating principles, methods, functions of management, as a general manager, and educational organization. Important, however, is the modernization of the managerial activity of the manager. Efficiency depends on how optimally and intensively the modern manager implements the latest scientific and managerial information in management. It is proved that in the West in the programs of training managers contain not only scientific information, but also certain aesthetic information on literature and art. It is determined that this is an integral part of the managerial culture of the head, the logical expression of his intelligence, education and education. Only such a leader will be able to really appreciate the role of artistic foundations in the activities of his team, including the design of jobs, taking into account the requirements of design, interior, lighting, color and even musical accompaniment. All these attributes of managerial culture in the activities of the head largely increase productivity, maintain the working capacity and health of workers. Leaders learn even how to use personal creative resources to create a creative team in their organization, where everyone carries out tasks aimed at the development of the individual.
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