migration, emigration, labor migration, able-bodied population, brain drain, migration of young people, labor force.Abstract
The state of labor migration in Ukraine is investigated. It is found that the number of emigrants from the Ukrainian state is constantly increasing. According to official figures, in 2018, 17.8% of the working population of Ukraine worked abroad, which is 3.2 million citizens of the country. On the whole, in the migration process, on average, from 7 to 9 million Ukrainians participate annually. All this contributes to an increase in the outflow of able-bodied Ukrainians to the European Union member states and others with a higher standard of living than in Ukraine, countries of the world; an increase in the aging population and a worsening of the demographic situation in general. The article outlines the main causes of the migration of labor force in Ukraine. Of course, Ukrainians often dare to migrate to other countries because of higher wages, legality of employment and working conditions. It is determined that «brain drain» and migration of young people are the most dangerous for the development of our country. For the most part, young people and qualified specialists abroad are engaged in exhausting physical labor, which in the future may lead to deterioration of their health. In addition, ambitious Ukrainians who were able to get a job abroad, which meets their needs (material, physical, and moral), will gradually begin to take their families to these countries. It was clarified that this problem is not only in Ukraine, but many European countries also experience a pressing problem of migration of young, skilled personnel, namely: Portugal, Italy, Spain, Greece, Hungary, Croatia, Poland, Romania, Moldova, Slovenia, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia. The article deals with the positive experience of Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Moldova, and Romania in overcoming the migration crisis in the country. Using the positive experience of foreign countries, measures have been substantiated to improve the migration situation in Ukraine. In our opinion, this is an increase in wages, the provision of a full social package, medical insurance, access to social infrastructure, the ability to plan a decent pension yourself, and improve the conditions for doing your own business; and for young people, first and foremost, is access to affordable, adequate mortgage lending.
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