


Surrogacy Agreement, surrogate mother, subject of Surrogacy Agreement, price of Surrogacy Agreement, service.


The publication explores the legal nature and essential terms of the Surrogacy Agreement. It is revealed that the Agreement is bilateral and concluded between the spouses, who provide their genetic material for a conception of the embryo, which will be transferred to the body of a surrogate mother by means of the use of assisted reproductive technologies and, accordingly, the surrogate mother. Through the prism of comparing the features that are related to the service agreements and the Surrogacy Agreement, it is proved that the Surrogacy Agreement by its legal nature refers to the service agreements and generates the emergence of civil relations between the customers (spouses) and the contractor of the Surrogacy Agreement (by surrogate mother). It was found that the essential conditions of the surrogacy agreement are the subject of the Agreement and, in the case of its payment, the price. The subject of the Surrogacy Agreement should be considered services for the transfer to the body of the surrogate mother of the human embryo conceived by the spouses as a result of the use of assisted reproductive technologies; bearing; birth and transfer of the child to the couple. The price of a Surrogacy Agreement should, in turn, be set out in an estimate that must be agreed between the Parties and be part of the Agreement. The estimate should specify the size, term and order of payment for each service and expenses that will and may be incurred in connection with the carrying and birth of a child by a surrogate mother. At the same time, it is proved that the price consists of the following three parts: first, the amount that is paid to the surrogate mother for each service rendered by them (embryo transfer, monthly payments, remuneration after the birth and transfer of the child). Secondly, the payments of the actual costs of the surrogate mother (food, rent, transfer, clothing for pregnant women and the purchase of the necessary things in the hospital). Thirdly, payment of force majeure circumstances that may occur during the birth or birth of a child (stay in the hospital during hospital treatment in a hospital, the birth of two or more children and death of a surrogate mother during childbirth).


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How to Cite

Дзюбенко, О. Л. (2020). LEGAL NATURE AND ESSENTIAL CONDITIONS OF THE SURROGACY AGREEMENT. Expert: Paradigm of Law and Public Administration, (1(7), 141-152.