administrative and legal support, corruption, counteraction, eradication of corruption manifestations, prevention, regulatory framework.Abstract
The article devoted to formation list of normative-legal acts that collectively constitute the normative base for administrative and legal support of preventing and combating corruption in Ukraine. scholars of branches legal sciences have addressed their research to this problems in the subject matter of the aforementioned issue. However, they did not study it directly, which testifies to its modern actualization. Due to the fact that formally, anti-corruption legislation is formed, meets requirements of EU, however, in fact, it is only a set of declarative slogans practically not implemented, it is argued that national regulatory framework of anti-corruption activity of public administration should be revised. In order to understand where the “gaps” of the legislative regulation of the process are, three block structure of the analyzed regulatory framework has been formed: 1) domestic normative legal acts that form the anti-corruption legislation; 2) international legal standards, requirements and recommendations of anti-corruption activities; 3) norms of administrative law, which regulate the activity of subjects of power and establish the legality and rule of law and law (the legal basis of activity of public authorities and their delegated representatives). Each of these groups has its subspecies, which can be classified according to different criteria. The conducted research gives grounds to argue that the regulatory framework of administrative and legal support for the prevention and counteraction of corruption in Ukraine under the conditions of European integration is the source, the basis that can make the theoretical essence of the desire to eradicate corruption manifestations in the territory of Ukraine into a real practical activity. The study found that over the past year, a significant amount of the regulatory framework of administrative and legal support for the prevention and combating of corruption in Ukraine was supplemented by organizational, explanatory and personnel acts, but not specialized, in particular there is no new anticorruption strategy. This is not only a significant impediment to Ukraine’s accession to the EU, but also a disrespect for society.
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