


international politics, international blocs, international organizations, international relations, globalization.


The statement of the problem in the article determines that in the modern world, where no natural borders are an obstacle to communication between peoples and self-isolation of any country is obviously harmful to it, various forms of international cooperation occupy an important place. The study of the activities of an international organization, the identification of its place on the world stage are considered by each specialist from their own angle of view. It is determined that interstate organizations began to exist in the XVII-XVIII centuries, mainly as military or trade unions or groups. Since the 1950s, a system of international organizations has gradually emerged and strengthened. Now in the world there are a huge number of different blocs and alliances of countries that can be combined into three groups: political (military-political), economic and mixed. The main goal of political organizations is to unite countries for which the political goal of activity is decisive. One of the most important in economic sectors is the financial one, not without reason it is called the circulatory system of the economy. Mixed blocs include integration groupings of countries whose goal is cooperation in several areas. Among the factors of formation and development of the system of international organizations, the global problems of today have become increasingly important. A new problem that causes great concern and requires the coordinated efforts of international organizations and governments of all countries of the world for its solution is the medical (sanitary and epidemiological). This is evidenced by the events of the end of December 2019 – early March 2020 with the global spread of coronavirus infection COVID-19. Against this background, the issue of economic arrangements and cooperation in international organizations receded into the background and the country began to close its own borders to protect its citizens from infection. Thus, we can observe the picture when the state’s own interests become predominant over the interests of organizations (trust within international organizations decreases). However, the reverse trend is also evident, because WHO has begun to trust much more because of its action to prevent the spread of coronavirus and to make recommendations to national governments. Thus, new challenges bring new problems and solutions, and improve the global political process, because it can be defined as a set of actions and relationships between political actors in the international arena. It is proved that in modern political science, the development of an integrated approach to the interpretation of multilateral mechanisms of cooperation between states – international organizations as an important element of the system of international relations remains important. The solution of modern international problems and challenges arising in various areas of management and life, require the development of new models of functioning of various types of international organizations and should be the basis for the effective upholding of their own national interests within the framework of international political institutions. The world will not be the same as before. And Ukraine should acquire new knowledge, new partners, new roles and prospects for attracting it to a wide range of communities in international organizations.


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How to Cite

Дурман, О. Л. (2020). INTEGRATION INFLUENCE OF INTERNATIONAL BLOCKS ON SOLVING INTERNATIONAL PROBLEMS. Expert: Paradigm of Law and Public Administration, (2(8), 217-231.

