


military-economic security, military-economic potential, armed conflict, economic factor of war.


The scientific article is devoted to a comprehensive study of the military- economic security of the state. The content of the concept and features of the current state of military-economic security at both the regional and global levels have been studied. Such components of military- economic security as are analyzed: military-economic potential, military power of the country, military-economic branch. Emphasis is placed on the economic factors regarding their impact on armed conflicts and methods of military-economic analysis. In the current conditions of the new geopolitical, geostrategic and geoeconomic redistribution of spheres of influence between the subjects of the world community, the provision of military-economic security is of great importance. The military-economic security is the most important function of the state and is defined as the ability of the national economy to withstand the risks and threats of the external and internal armed conflicts, as well as the availability of economic conditions to meet the demands of the organization of the armed forces, their development, both in peacetime and in conditions of armed conflict. Military-economic security can be defined as a set of conditions and factors that ensure timely and reliable satisfaction of the current and future military-economic needs to the extent sufficient to maintain the required level of defense and security of the state. The qualitative assessment of the military-economic security involves first of all consideration of the following criteria and indicators: degree of compliance with the modern requirements of qualitative characteristics of armaments and military equipment produced in the country; efficiency and reliability of the military economy, its ability to develop and produce in accordance with the tasks of military security types and systems of weapons; the degree of mobilization readiness of the economy, i.e. its ability to expand military production and provide it with labour resources in the event of external or internal threats to the country’s security in the necessary time. As for quantitative indicators of the military-economic security, they are characterized by the following factors: quantitative characteristics of the military-economic power, absolute and relative indicators of the military expenditures, production capacity and potential of enterprises of the defense complex, the number of people employed in the military economy, the size of the state’s strategic reserves, volumes and condition of the military-economic potential.


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How to Cite

Копанчук, В. О. (2020). THE ESSENCE AND CONTENT OF THE MILITARY-ECONOMIC SECURITY OF THE STATE. Expert: Paradigm of Law and Public Administration, (3(9), 125-130.