


resolution, UN General Assembly, COVID-19, pandemic.


Theoretical aspects of the concept of ‘resolution’ and their role in the overall process of creating norms of international law are formed in this article. The resolution of the UN General Assembly ‘Global Solidarity against COVID-19’ from March 27, 2020 was analyzed for identifying the main areas of the cooperation between states. It is argued that the adoption of the resolution has significant implications for combating the coronavirus pandemic, as evidenced by official statistics and international researches. Changes in the national legislation of Ukraine, including the adoption of this resolution, are generally welcomed by the international community. The statistical researches confirmed reducing the level of infection by creating conditions to minimize physical contact and distance between people. It is proved that a key role in the implementation of these measures is played by law as a tool for regulating legal relations in the contraction against the pandemic. It is noted that this resolution plays a key role in combating the spread of the virus, as in fact it was adopted as a basis for amending national legislation of many countries. It is concluded that the resolutions of the UN General Assembly have recommendatory character, but they become fundamental documents in times of crisis from which legislative initiatives of many states are repelled. It is substantiated that legal norms should play a deterrent role in situations of increasing the level of human rights violations due to the implementation of measures to combat the virus. The conclusion is made about the categories of those who should have a special status in the fight against COVID 19 according to the resolution. There are some directions of counteraction to the pandemic indicated in the resolution as informational, medical, anti-discriminatory etc.


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How to Cite

Головко, О. М., & Огієвич, С. М. (2020). GLOBAL SOLIDARITY AGAINST COVID-19: LEGAL PROSPECTS. Expert: Paradigm of Law and Public Administration, (3(9), 131-140.