


European Union, drugs, use of drugs, regulatory legal acts.


The article analyzes separate aspects of regulation of the problem of drug use on the territory of the European Union in general and illegal public use of drugs in places of mass staying of citizens in particular. It has been established that integrational processes are gradually reducing the value of national borders, making them more open to international interaction, and consequently, public life is becoming of an international character. In addition to the obvious benefits they bring to humanity, a number of related problems occur. One of such problems is the rise of transnational crime, including illegal drug trafficking, which causes the problem of illegal public use of drugs in places of mass staying of citizens. It has been summarized that at the present stage, regarding the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty on the reform of the European Union, the EU competence in the field of illegal public use of drugs in places of mass staying of citizensincludes 4 main types of powers. The first one is powers to counteract illegal public use of drugs in places of mass staying of citizensconsidering aspects of public health care that is preventing the spread of drug addiction. The second one is powers to counteract the illegal public use of drugs in places of mass staying of citizensin terms of the area of freedom, security and justice, which is about identifyingwrongdoings related to illegal drug trafficking and imposingcorresponding sanctions. The third is powers to counteract the illegal public use of drugs in places of mass staying of citizens in terms of a common EU trade policy that consists in regulation of the international circulation of drug precursors and psychotropicsubstances. The fourth and the last one is powers to counteract the illegal public use of drugs in places of mass staying of citizens in terms of common foreign and security policies, which allows for EU cooperation with third countries on the issues of counteracting illegal drug trafficking.


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How to Cite

Коломієць, А. М. (2020). EUROPEAN UNION PRACTICE ON THE ILLEGAL PUBLIC USEOF DRUGSIN PLACES OF MASS STAYING OF CITIZENS. Expert: Paradigm of Law and Public Administration, (3(9), 150-155.