


concession, public-private partnership, process of active realization, special mode of management, concessionaire, concessionaire, concession agreement, concession relations, competitive dialogue, licensing.


This article states that the constant leader in the implementation of implemented public-private partnership projects in European markets is the infrastructure sector. From practice in the countries we can see the most widespread form of realization of projects of public-private partnership – the concession. The material is presented in relation to the foundation of any project, namely in relation to the concession agreement as a form of public-private partnership. It is noted that kontseciya – tse fopma zdiycnennya depzhavno-ppyvatnoho paptnepctva chto pepedbachaye nadannya kontseciyedavtsem kontsecionepy ppava nA ctvopennya ta / abo bydivnytstvo (nove bydivnytstvo, pekonctpyktsiyu, pectavpatsiyu, kapitalnyy pemont ta texnichne pepeocnaschennya) ta / abo yppavlinnya (kopyctyvannya, ekcplyatatsiyu, texnichne obclyhovyvannya) ob’yektom kontseciyi, ta / abo nadannya cycpilno znachyschyx poclyh y ta popyadky nA ymovax, vyznachenyx kontseciynym dohovopom, a takozh pepedbachaye pepedachy kontsecionepy pepevazhnoyi chactyny opepatsiynoho pyzyky chto oxoplyuye pyzyk popyty abo pyzyk ppopozytsiyi. It is substantiated that the lower the standard of living in one or another country, the more private investors are in demand, who are ready to invest funds and forces in modernization. At the same time, the poorer the country, the fewer projects can be implemented in it without state support. It is also about the development and emergence of concession relations in Ukraine, and the comparison of concession legislation of our country with other countries. The notion of participants in concession relations to another group of persons is described in detail and expanded. The Law on Concessions mentioned in this article contains norms that require great attention on the part of business, which will require the use of this form of public-private partnership.


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How to Cite

Дуб, А. В. (2020). CONCLUSION AS A FORM OF PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP. Expert: Paradigm of Law and Public Administration, (3(9), 188-195.