


public administration, social protection of participants of ATO, the legislation in the sphere of social protection, standard legal support, social protection, state regulation of social protection, standards of social protection.


The scientific article is devoted to a complex research and definition of social standards in the sphere of protection of participants of ATO. By the author, it defined that a social and economic situation in Ukraine connected with transition to the market relations what causes need of realization essentially of other state policy in this sphere. In modern market conditions, social policy of any state presented in the form of unity of five of its basic elements: employment, regulation of income of the population, social guarantees, social protection, health care and environmental safety of the population. Owing to what, the system of the state social standards, which provides purposeful activity of the state in questions of the guaranteed and fairer satisfaction of material and spiritual needs of citizens, has to be the major a link of social policy. Taking into account the presented conclusions it proved what social standards defined as set of the rules and characteristics established at the legislative level for the purpose of direct and mediated justification of the social rights and guarantees in relation to participants of ATO. It defined that despite a wide range enough various social standards of participants of ATO, the most important and are necessary only two groups are: social standards are aimed at providing the minimum social guarantees (a living wage, the minimum amount of provision of pensions and social help, norm of providing with educational and medical services, etc.); and also – rational, that is average standards which are indicators of a social situation in the state and social wellbeing of participants of ATO (privileges on security with housing, indicators of quality of their life, etc.). Doctrinal the analysis of provisions of regulations and also social privileges of the ATO provided for participants allowed to draw a conclusion that social norms and standards as which it is necessary to understand indicators of necessary consumption of food, nonfoods and services and providing with educational, medical, housing-and-municipal, welfare services are the key indicator of each social standard. It noted that prospects of further researches have to consist in profound studying and elaboration of specific proposals of rather social standards of participants of ATO for ensuring optimum development of the social relations and satisfaction them vitally needs.


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How to Cite

Воропай, Л. А. (2020). SOCIAL STANDARDS IN THE SPHERE OF PROTECTION OF PARTICIPANTS OF ATO: THEORETICAL-APPLIED ANALYSIS. Expert: Paradigm of Law and Public Administration, (3(9), 245-254.

