local authorities, human resources, personnel policy, tools and methods, territorial community, efficiency of local authorities work.Abstract
The essence of personnel provision of local authorities is clarified. It is justified, that it is a system of principles, forms and methods of forming the necessary of local authorities’ qualitative and quantitative composition, which is aimed at improving the human resources potential and its efficient use. It is determined that the effectiveness of local authorities depends on professional and competent staffing, which is manifested in the performance of tasks and functions assigned to the staff. It is justified that an important criterion for increasing the efficiency of local authorities functioning is the indicator of citizens’ civic activity, the increase of which contributes to the social inclusion of citizens in local processes. The factors of increasing the territorial communities efficiency are analyzed, among which the most influential are determined: increasing of competence level of executive bodies employees; raising the remuneration level of executive bodies employees; introduction a system of employee performance evaluation; introduction of new management culture tools; making changes in the organizational structure; change of employee motivation system. The key characteristics of an effective local government are identified, namely: ensuring community development; making informed decisions; ensuring access to quality services; ensuring the rational use of all available resources; providing community leadership and more. Practical tools for introducing managerial innovations in human resources are offered, including: practice of using group communication services; practice of employees’ relocation by structural units; practice of compulsory certification, practice of public recruitment.
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