


state regulation, market regulation, education system, higher education, educational services market, investment in education.


The article summarizes the features of public administration of higher education systems in European countries. It is determined that in the conditions of the world educational market, the effective forms of state influence on higher education institutions are: financing of higher education mainly from budgetary sources; the state system for ensuring the quality of higher education. All this makes it possible to maintain the high prestige of higher education in the conditions of severe competition in the global higher education market. It was found out that the system of higher professional education in Germany is recognized as one of the best in the world. Over the past 50 years, the number of students entering German universities, including foreigners, has tripled. Education at universities in Germany is part of the state system of free education. Competence in education is strictly divided between the Federal and state governments. The Federal government participates in the overall planning of education in order to create a common market environment and the equivalence of higher education. The land government is responsible for planning and implementing education on its territory. Along with the specific features of each country, changes in the state regulation of activities in the field of higher education in the conditions of the world educational market have pronounced common features. These include: the growing role of public administration and new modern forms of administrative and legal regulation in the field of higher education; the legislative consolidation of such administrative functions as forecasting and planning in the management of higher education; the expansion of the autonomy of higher education institutions and academic freedoms; the emergence of new types of higher education institutions that meet the innovative requirements of the world labor market; the redistribution of managerial functions in the field of higher education between the center and the regions; multi-channel financing of higher education institutions; ensuring the unity and consistency of educational programs and quality of training across all levels of higher education; regulatory regulation of higher education institutions.


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How to Cite

Сєркова, Н. А. (2020). PECULIARITIES OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEMS IN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES. Expert: Paradigm of Law and Public Administration, (3(9), 298-305.

