prosecutor, rule of law, administrative proceedings, complaints.Abstract
This text concerns the issue of the participation of the prosecutor in administrative proceedings. The purpose of administrative proceedings is imperious, unilateral regulation of the legal and administrative situation of a specific entity. Administrative proceedings are inquisitive; its purpose is to implement the provisions of substantive administrative law but, above all, to secure the administered entity against abuse of power by arbitrary administrative authorities. One of the guarantees of the lawful operation of the administrative body in administrative proceedings is the participation of the prosecutor. The prosecutor’s office performs tasks in the field of prosecution of crime and guards the rule of law. The prosecutor decides about his participation in specific proceedings. His participation in the administrative procedure, like the participation of any other entity, must be clear and obvious, and therefore, the participation of the prosecutor in this procedure cannot, in principle, be presumed. The prosecutor’s powers were analyzed such as the right to request the competent public administration authority to initiate proceedings to remove an unlawful state; the right to participate at any stage of the proceedings to ensure that the proceedings and the resolution of the case are lawful and the right to object to a final decision if the provisions of the Code or special provisions provide for the resumption of proceedings, annulment of the decision or annulment or amendment thereof. The participation of the prosecutor in administrative proceedings, due to his inquisitive nature, is an important means of controlling the legality of administrative proceedings and taking into account the public interest. The lawfulness of public administration bodies’ activities applies to both proceedings conducted on request and ex officio, and therefore the prosecutor’s power includes within these proceedings: the right to request the competent public administration authority to initiate proceedings to remove an unlawful state; the right to participate at any stage of the proceedings in order to ensure that the proceedings and the resolution of the case are lawful, the right to object to a final decision, if the provisions of the Code or special provisions provide for resumption of proceedings, annulment of the decision or its annulment or amendment. It should be emphasized that each of the above powers of the prosecutor can only be exercised to ensure the rule of law, which means that values such as reliability, economy or purposefulness will not be subject to prosecutor’s control in administrative proceedings.
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